
Welcome to the MCC Brooklyn Youth Company’s virtual production of BKYC UNCENSORED: A Meeting of Minds – a series of theatrical musings on a year in isolation.

In this work, each actor explores their own mind to address those introspective, hard-to-answer questions inspired by self-examination such as: Who am I? What is important? Who is in charge of all this? The ensemble also strove to embrace the benefits of working in Zoom while pushing the boundaries of this interface to sustain the MCC tradition of facilitating collaborative, freely creative, and diverse theatre-making for young people.

Working with these courageous, shockingly insightful young artists and thinkers was a true privilege. They always wind up educating me!

Enjoy the show,
Vickie Tanner
Brooklyn Youth Company Director



CAST of BKYC UNCENSORED 2021: A Meeting of Minds


The show will be followed by a 10 minute talkback with the cast.

Please note that MCC Theater’s Department of Public Engagement & Education and its staff expect that works by the Youth Company may contain controversial language as they explore topics including (but not limited to) identity, violence, politics, sexuality, social justice, etc. Consequently, while content is dealt with responsibly, there are no restrictions on subject matter within the MCC Theater Youth Company.

MCC’s Youth Company and In School Partnerships are supported by The Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation, Tiger Baron Foundation, Harold J. Newman & Ruth Newman, Eric Rosedale, New York State Council on the Arts, and public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Special thanks to the Faculty, Students, and Administration at the High School for Public Service and to the family and friends of the Brooklyn Youth Company Cast and Creative Team for their support.

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